The Vocal Process eZINE

The Vocal Process eZINE is a free emailed "magazine" that we send out about once a month.
Each edition contains an update on us, our training courses, reviews and specially written articles and thoughts on music, performing and voice.
We also usually include an interview with industry experts - previous interviews have included Paul Meier, the dialect and accent coach, Kim Chandler, session singer extraordinaire, Craig Jennings, soloist with Cirque du Soleil, and Daniel Zangger Borch, pop and rock vocal trainer, author and coach on Pop Idol.
eZINE 35, the Sweden Special edition has an interview with performance psychologist and author of The Confident Performer, Dr David Roland on performance anxiety and the Flow performance.

It's also got an interesting photo taken by the photographer of the Svenska Dagbladet, one of Sweden's national newspapers. It wasn't posed, the photographer happened to catch me in mid sentence - I was demonstrating the emotional response of a character in a song (pity I can't remember which one...). I have to tell you it's one of my favourite photos, partly because I move around so much it's difficult to capture me in action on film!
If you would like to join our mailing list to receive the eZINE, just click on this link to the Vocal Process homepage, and click on the magical materialising box.
You're very welcome.
86 things you never hear a singer say (free ebook)
The Vocal Process "opening the throat" techniques appear on the new sell-out Constriction and Release DVD
The Vocal Process website has 280+ pages, including a series of free articles on vocal technique and style, memorising and different musical genres.
Labels: Daniel Zangger Borsch, Kim Chandler, Paul Meier, Pop Idol, session singer interview, Sweden, The Confident Performer, Vocal Process eZINE