Vocal Process - the missing year
As you can see from the previous posts, it's been a year almost to the day since I blogged last.
So many things have been happening that it's difficult to know where to start.
Completed the Scarborough Spa Orchestra job (and therein hangs a rather weird tale which I might tell some day).
Created a voicebox video for the Science Museum in London. Their interactive cafe space, the Dana Centre, had seen my voicebox videos on the internet and asked me to create one for an event on voice and karaoke.
So naturally I ended up singing My Way with a camera up my nose.
The event was a huge success and I am looking to publish the voicebox video - So How Does Your Voice Work - in the near future.
And talking of Voicebox Videos - I finally released my original set of six voicebox videos as a DVD. Sales have been nothing short of phenomenal for such a specialist DVD, and we've sent DVDs out to Canada, the US, New Zealand, Italy, Scandinavia and South America. You can check out the Voicebox Videos DVD on the dedicated website.
I've done a lot of studying over the winter, with the Internet Marketing Center in Canada. It's a fascinating subject and one I really enjoy. I really feel I've only scratched the surface at the moment, but already the fruits of my labour are evident on the Vocal Process website.
In fact the website goes from strength to strength, with hundreds of visitors every day.
I'll be giving you more news on that when I've got the stats sorted.
Another week of frantic work, coaching, concerts and webstuff, and then we're off for a fortnight's holiday. We haven't had a fortnight off for YEARS so are leaving Allison (our new PA) to caretake the company and will be disappearing from public view for 14 days.
Visit http://www.vocalprocess.co.uk/ for the latest downloads:
the Vocal Process eZINE (free electronic magazine)
86 things you never hear a singer say (free ebook)
The Voicebox Videos DVD website tells you all about the Looking At A Voice endoscopy videos series
The Vocal Process website has a series of free articles on vocal technique and style, memorising and different musical genres.