Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Recently been doing a couple of days masterclasses and one-to-one sessions with a group of singers from Aberdeen.

Working with a wide range of abilities, from fairly experienced performers to adults who had never sung in public before. I have to say I was impressed particularly with the newbies - it takes a lot to get up and sing a solo song in front of your friends and neighbours!

Masterclasses and workshops are probably one of my favourite things to do. I really enjoy the energy of a live audience, particularly one that is rooting for their colleagues to be stretched by the experience. The process of teaching is endlessly fascinating - what works beautifully for one person is simply not appropriate for the next. It's why I never teach by rote and why each client gets a completely different experience.

A real mix of repertoire kept me interested and busy. Everything from Summertime to Kelly Clarkson. O Waly Waly (the folksong The Water is Wide) made an appearance from one of the younger participants. I remember singing that in my singing lessons when I was eight. Does anyone actually know what it means?

My Favourite Things was also a favourite thing, and is very topical considering that the BBC are running the competition to find the new Maria for The Sound Of Music revival in the West End (see previous blogs).

Chicago is also a popular choice, with Mr Cellophane and When You're Good To Mama making appearances. The masterclass sessions were fun - the children were bright and receptive, and my comments and instructions were well-received. The adults class was a hoot, and I was able to give a number of what appeared to be rather strange instructions that were carried out to the letter. They aren't strange when you know where I'm heading, but I do sometimes have to get people to do slightly odd things to get there. More about that in a later blog.

Thanks to Karen Cockrill for inviting me up there, and to the people of Aberdeen for making me feel so welcome.

Visit http://www.vocalprocess.co.uk/ for the latest news:
Singing and the Actor Training - the first course based on Gillyanne's book
The Vocal Process eZINE (free electronic magazine)
86 things you never hear a singer say (free ebook)
Looking at a Voice (endoscopy video download)
Constriction and Release (opening the throat on video - the latest endoscopy video download)