Sunday, January 04, 2009

Dubious nature

And speaking of being an itinerant musician (see previous post)...

There's a sign in the buffet of the railway station in Wellington, Shropshire where I grew up.

It's along the lines (no pun intended) of the management reserving the right to refuse admission to

"vagrants, itinerant musicians and ladies of a dubious nature".

I don't think they were being personal...

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Winning a part in Les Miserables

Excellent, poignant article from Susie Boyt in the Times recently.

As a Les Miserables itinerant musician for several years, this article really does capture the excitement and the unexpected seriousness of life behind the scenes in a West End show.

I remember my very first job in the West End, understudying the solo pianist in Rowan Atkinson's Chekhov party piece - The Sneeze (I've written about it in previous blogs). I was expecting excitement, parties, games and cameraderie in much the same way as Susie describes in her article.

The reality is similar but different. No parties after the show if you've got to run for the last train to Tunbridge - no games and indolent afternoons if you have to pick up the kids from school before the warmup.

But the cameraderie is definitely there. I still meet people who were in those productions (I'm astonished to say, 20 years ago), and we still greet each other like long lost family members - which in a funny sort of way, we are.

Click here to read the rest of Susie Boyt's article I Won A Part In Les Miserables

Susie Boyt is the author of My Judy Garland Life, which was book of the week on Radio Four over the Christmas period.

Visit to sign up for the free eZINE and get your copy of the free ebook 86 things you never hear a singer say
The Voicebox Videos DVD website tells you all about the Looking At A Voice endoscopy video series
The Vocal Process website has a series of free articles on vocal technique and style, memorising and different musical genres.
And the new Vocal Process MusicalStore is open for business throughout the New Year period:

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