Brand new "opening the throat" DVD

I decided to offer the pre-launch to our eZINE subscriber list. The list is free to join, but offers all kinds of goodies including money off training courses, discounts on our products and of course, pre-launches.
You may or may not know that the UK is having a tough time at the moment, and we appear to be in the grip of the worst recession since World War 1.
We're feeling the pinch a bit at Vocal Process, so I decided to press only 50 of the new DVDs, and offer them in advance of the launch to the eZINE list, to see what the reaction would be. I gave the subscribers a week to order, or until the 50 DVDs ran out.
Well I needn't have worried.
The first sales happened within 4 MINUTES of the email going out, and the 50 DVDs were snapped up in an astonishing six hours.
I had to go and pick up my car from the Saab dealers (and that's a whole other story, for the next blog), and when I got back, we'd exceeded the original 50 and the orders were still coming in.
So I made a decision and ordered a second pressing. Although I'd said the price would go up after the original 50 were gone, I was getting desperate phonecalls and emails from people who were having problems with paypal, and even in one case who didn't have internet that day and was emailing me from her phone.
So I've relented and am keeping the price the same until next monday or until the second pressing runs out.
Needless to say, we're halfway through the second pressing already and it's only the day after the pre-launch!
Incidentally, the DVD shows the "opening the throat" technique, or constricting and releasing the false vocal folds, or retraction, or the release of hyperadduction (different names for the same thing). This open throat technique has been taught for years, but this is actually the first time it's ever been shown on a DVD available to the public.
Incidentally, the DVD shows the "opening the throat" technique, or constricting and releasing the false vocal folds, or retraction, or the release of hyperadduction (different names for the same thing). This open throat technique has been taught for years, but this is actually the first time it's ever been shown on a DVD available to the public.
The film comes from footage of the Singing and the Actor Training intensive seminar and shows Gillyanne taking the group through the entire process, with several variations, in just under 21 minutes.
If you want to find out more about the DVD and its contents, click on this link for the details - it's well worth reading.
And if you'd like to buy it, you just need to join the Vocal Process eZINE mailing list here.
Sorry, no exceptions!
Visit to sign up for the free eZINE and get your copy of the free ebook 86 things you never hear a singer say
The Voicebox Videos DVD website tells you all about the Looking At A Voice endoscopy video series
The Vocal Process website has a series of free articles on vocal technique and style, memorising and different musical genres.
And the new Vocal Process MusicalStore is open for business:
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