Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hatstand Opera hits Guernsey

On tour with Hatstand Opera in my role as collaborative pianist (the more accurate new title for an accompanist).

Lovely flight today (15 minutes) from Alderney to Guernsey in the little Trislander plane. Just two seats across and about 8 rows back, so 16 passengers in all. A glorious day, clear and bright, with fantastic views of Guernsey as we approached.

Kirsten the organiser took us to the stunning St James Arts Centre venue, a converted church with excellent acoustics and the most wonderful Steinway concert grand piano for me to enjoy. Then on to the Radio Guernsey building for a live interview followed by a down-the-wire interview for Radio Jersey.

Fun presenter on the Guernsey interview who was holding a phone poll for 100 things to do with a shoelace. My favourites, use it to tie your shoes, and fashion a garotte for your Action Man doll. Not quite sure what that says about the Guernsey people...

Our hosts here, Jill and Martin fed us well with chicken and a delicious apple crumble (told you food was my main memory trigger). Am sitting in the garden typing this now in post-prandial bliss. We've just been finalising the Sark school workshop. this tour we're only doing two schools workshops (it's normally four). Jersey has the largest schools audience at about 250 children, and we'll be doing some of our Well Wicked Opera workshop highlights for them.

Sark is rather special. It's a small island only accessible by boat, and there are no cars allowed. Transport is by tractor, horse or on foot. There is only one school on the island,and as I understand it they all learn in the same class. So the age range runs from about 4 to about 15. Now I'm the voice wizard on the tour with all the vocal technical information, and presenting to an age range that wide is quite a challenge. We've got some new exercises and games for the Sark children to play, so I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Jeremy is the co-author of Successful Singing Auditions

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